About Brittany
Brittany’s journey with horses started at age twelve by just hanging out with horses and observing them for hours. She started her first horse in a round pen with no one around – quietly working alone with that horse – no words, just being together. Through years of study, Brittany has advanced to working with people and horses with what she calls Innate Horsemanship™ which is a way of putting people and horses on the same page, talking the same language, Equine Lingo™.
Brittany has studied and trained with the some well known horsemen and women and has learned that it’s the ability to observe a horse’s reaction both physically and emotionally that is the most important pathway to understanding how to communicate with horses. By developing a harmonious and natural relationship with each horse – by offering guidance, encouragement and consistency - the horse learns to follow based on mutual trust and respect through effective communication and leadership.
“Ask yourself what makes you come alive. Then go and do that because what the world needs is more people who have come alive.” ~H Whitman~
“Equine training is all about communication,” says Brittany. “You have to be aware of your own body language and then know how to properly use your energy centers, your entire being, to communicate to the horse.” Working with various riders and horses in the industry from hunter jumpers to western gamers and pleasure trail riders it all comes back to how our horse is understanding us.
“It’s not what we ask our horses to do, it’s how we ask them to do it.” ~Brittany Buchanan~

Working each day with horses, Brittany has learned the importance of reading a horse and understanding what the horse is whispering back to us. Learn to clearly understand what the horse is doing, why they are doing it, and then know how to clearly communicate using your body language, confidence, trust and leadership.
“Humans often rely on verbal communication, horses listen but they also respond according to our, intentions, actions, our body communication. We can learn to better develop the rest of our body and psyche to communicate to our horses.”
Brittany's focus is on helping people and horses to develop and build a solid foundation. From a solid foundation stems everything from riding to trailer loading and beyond. Brittany offers training, coaching, demonstrations and clinics. She invites you to experience Innate Horsemanship™, creating partnerships of a lifetime!