Welcome!Throughout these pages you’ll find more information about what I offer with Innate Horsemanship™. I invite you to contact me with any questions and to learn more. I look forward to meeting and riding with you! Brittany Buchanan
"It's not what we ask our horses to do, www.facebook.com/IHRANCH
About BritTBrittany’s journey with horses started at age twelve by just hanging out with horses and observing them for hours. She started her first horse in a round pen with no one around – quietly working alone with that horse – no words, just being together. Through years of study, Brittany has advanced to working with people and horses with what she calls Innate Horsemanship™ which is a way of putting people and horses on the same page, talking the same language, Equine Lingo™ with Innate Horsemanship™. Brittany has studied and trained with the some well known horsemen and women and has learned that it’s the ability to observe a horse’s reaction both physically and emotionally that is the most important pathway to understanding how to communicate with horses. By developing a harmonious and natural relationship with each horse – by offering guidance, encouragement and consistency - the horse learns to follow based on mutual trust and respect through effective communication and leadership. |
What's New
Innate Horsemanship™ Demonstration
Saturday April 25 2-4pm Location: IH Ranch Perth Ontario Canada
This demonstration is an introduction to our 3 day Innate Horsemanship Clinics! The demo will include liberty work, ground exercises and a trailer loading demonstration. The liberty work will include connecting and understanding your horse beyond body language. The clinic will connect groundwork to saddle work, bridging the gap and making groundwork meaningful and helpful to your relationship and riding.
Hot Chocolate, Tea, Coffee and Treats Available Onsite $40/person.
Register now 613 451 0032 or brittany@brittanybuchanan.ca
Innate Horsemanship™ 101 Courses
Every Saturday in May 9am-4pm 2020 Location: IH Ranch Perth Ontario Canada
All disciplines and experience levels are welcome! During these 1-day courses you will be guided through a curriculum designed to give you horsemanship skills with an emphasis on horse psychology and how it relates to training and working with horses daily. Learn in a relaxed environment, customized to your needs with lots of personalized instruction. Bring your horse with you to the courses or partner with one of our horses here at the ranch!
Saturday May 2 2019 9am-5pm
Develop a better partnership with your horse from the ground up by understanding how horses communicate, think and learn through their own language. Develop a partnership with your horse at liberty, learn how to communicate with just your body language and lead your horse through obstacles building a trust-based partnership!
Saturday May 9 2019 9am-5pm
Develop a better feel and connection with your horse from the ground in preparation for riding. Practice working with a rope, flag, tarps, trot poles throughout your groundwork. Learn to become more effective working with your horse from the ground at liberty, with a lead rope and while riding. Learn how to prepare your horse for the trailer and different ways to load your horse onto the trailer. Learn how to get your horse comfortable loading, standing and coming off the trailer. Learn about different styles of trailers and the advantages ramps and step-ups and various safety features. Learn about trailering your horse longer distances and how to keep your horse comfortable.
Learn the benefits of long lining versus single line lunging. Learn how long-lining helps connect the horses whole body and mind creating balance and harmony. You will learn how to safely tack up, attach double lines, and work with the horse on double lines with turning and at various speeds. Learn how to get the most out of long-lining with your horse outside the arena and with various obstacles.
Saturday May 23 2019 9am-5pm
Hosted by: IH Ranch, Perth Ontario
Cost: $275 per Course or All 4 Courses for $1000
Includes Catered Lunch 12-1pm
Register 613 451 0032 or email Brittany@BrittanyBuchanan.ca
We are hosting a number of Clinics, Shows and Educational Expos for 2020! If you are interested in hosting a clinic at your farm or a show or event here at the IH Ranch please contact us 613 451 0032.
Please call us 613 451 0032 or email us brittany@brittanybuchanan.ca for inquires on horses for sale and we will help to match you up and find you your equine partner!